Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Hi,
> Chris Hill wrote:
>> [listens for the sound of the voting request email to arrive - hears 
>> nothing]
> Voting is optional. We could do with a lot less if you ask me. If more 
> people would just go ahead and tag something... I have the impression 
> that many newcomers seem to view this as some kind of trophy: (a) find 
> obscure thing for which there is no map feature yet, (b) write 
> proposal, (c) get it accepted, (d) yay, you're a real mapper. - You 
> are a real mapper if you map a hundered occurrences of your obscure 
> thing and it is found to be useful.
> Bye
> Frederik
I have mixed feelings about voting, I think you, Frederik, are close to 
the non-voting extreme.  I respect your POV and your consistent stance, 
but I think there is a place for voting.  It gives a framework for 
discussion, it helps to draw a discussion to a close, it prompts more 
involvement in the Wiki by some people and is not binding.

My comment was more to point out that changing the Map features by 
adding the editor's favourite option as though it was an accepted norm 
while the discussion about the options was still taking place seemed a 
bit premature to me. 

Cheers, Chris

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