On Sunday 12 October 2008 22:58:40 you wrote:
> Hi,
> > It's not temporary "until it's done", it's sometimes there, sometimes
> > not. Like christmas decorations, only with those you know they are around
> > in December.
> Then, logically speaking, the item they want to tag is not a "bullring
> that is sometimes not there" - it is a "place where they sometimes have
> a bullring". Much like we'd tag a fairground a fairground and not a
> temporary fair... isn't that so?
 I wanted to check how fairs are mapped currently but the wiki appears to be 
 Are you suggesting we tag plain ground? I'm just not sure what you mean. 
Fairs here are placed over ground that doesn't have anything particularly 
fair-related (parking lots, plazas, parks, etc). I also think keeping the 
bullring tag makes sense, for searching and such.

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