> Tordanik wrote:
>> There has been an increasing amount of link spam on user diaries
>> recently, such as these entries:
>> http://openstreetmap.org/user/festivalplus/diary/3689
>> http://openstreetmap.org/user/allfuckthem/diary/3686
>> http://openstreetmap.org/user/allfuckthem/diary/3688
>>  Is anyone working on countermeasures?
>Do you have some suggestions? It's hard to see what we can do about this 
> sort of (presumably manual) spamming where people are prepared to go to 
> the trouble of registering and confirming an account beyond deleting the 
> accounts.
>We are now logging the IP address used to create accounts so we can look 
> for patterns but I'm not hopeful.

Good would be something like
* wordpress akismet plugin,
* added captcha or
* if with link do it simply as in osm-wiki


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