Peter Miller wrote:
>Sent: 14 October 2008 10:28 AM
>To: 'Licensing and other legal discussions.'
>Subject: [OSM-legal-talk] Licence brief/Use Case - final call for comments
>This is a final call for comments by readers of legal-talk for feedback on
>the brief and the use cases.

I'd just like to point out that this "final call for comments" is your
suggestion. Those dealing with the licence drafting process in the OSMF have
not set any final call on feedback or use cases, in fact we haven't yet
called for comment on either at the present time. While the use cases will
indeed be useful we don't consider that the process is closed and
contributors are welcome to add new use case questions to the wiki at any
time, as per any other wiki page. 

>I suggest that we next put together a project plan to bring the licence
>elegantly into life and sort out what needs to be done, by when and by whom
>to achieve that? I will add a proposed task-list to the wiki when I next
>have a chance and we can then refine it and then pick up individual tasks.
>There will be consensus building tasks (on Talk, talk-de and other local
>and specialist talk lists); legal tasks (to codify the licence), there will
>be technical tasks (seeing who needs to be contacted in each area, see what
>data is at risk in any particular area, to allow people to accept the new
>terms and see their data becoming 'safe'), and finally there will be
>outreach tasks (to get buy in from individual contributors in each area, in
>particular from major contributors who are not on talk to increase the
>amount of safe data). Finally there will be a painful technical task to
>remove 'non-safe' content.

You are already aware that the OSMF has an ongoing project in this respect
and SteveC posted an update on progress only two days ago. Most of what you
are suggesting above is already in our implementation plan. We very much
welcome the work that has been done by you and others over the last few
weeks so we will be happy to see a task list appearing but don't be
surprised if the final process is undertaken in a different format. Anything
put up on the wiki will be noted and incorporated into the master plan where
the need is seen, and of course we will continue to provide updates as and
when there is something concrete to report.



Andy Robinson
OpenStreetMap Foundation
0777 553 7872

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