On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Kai Krueger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi
> I was using OsmXapi today to try and get a set of bus_stops however
> there seem to be inconsistencies with the encoding of some of the
> semicolons.
> for example calling  wget
> http://xapi.openstreetmap.org/api/0.5/node[highway=bus_stop][bbox=-1,51.51,0,51.52]<http://xapi.openstreetmap.org/api/0.5/node%5Bhighway=bus_stop%5D%5Bbbox=-1,51.51,0,51.52%5D>
> I get the following xml from xapi for node 281455008:
> <node id='281455008' lat='51.5167833' lon='-0.1279817' user='amm'
> osmxapi:users='smsm1,amm' timestamp='2008-10-07T23:07:46Z'>
>     <tag k='bus_number'
> v='1\s8\s25\s98\s242\sN1\sN8\sN68\sN98\sN171\sN207'/>
>     <tag k='highway' v='bus_stop'/>
>     <tag k='name' v='New Oxford Street'/>
>   </node>
> whereas the main api gives back the correct data
> <osm version="0.5" generator="OpenStreetMap server">
> <node id="281455008" lat="51.5167833" lon="-0.1279817" user="amm"
> visible="true" timestamp="2008-10-08T00:07:46+01:00">
> <tag k="bus_number" v="1;8;25;98;242;N1;N8;N68;N98;N171;N207"/>
> <tag k="highway" v="bus_stop"/>
> <tag k="name" v="New Oxford Street"/>
> </node>
> </osm>
> However not all of the semicolons are replaced by \s for example
>  <node id='265255763' lat='51.5105981' lon='-0.2886720' user='Harry
> Wood' osmxapi:users='Harry Wood' timestamp='2008-05-17T17:04:34Z'>
>     <tag k='highway' v='bus_stop'/>
>     <tag k='ref' v='ET'/>
>     <tag k='routes' v='207;427;607;N7;N207'/>
>   </node>
> looks correct.
> I am not sure, but potentially the behaviour changed mid September?

There was a change in, perhaps in mid September, to fix an escaping problem
with ampersand (&).  That may have broken something.  I'll take a look.

> Is this a known issue?
> thanks,
> Kai
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