On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 2:43 AM, vegard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 10:54:55AM -0700, Dave Hansen wrote:
>> Has anyone looked at importing the TIGER 2007 data yet?  I was going to
>> start coding up the conversion utilities to get started.  It appears
>> that this shapefile format may have existing OSM converters out there.
>> Anyone want to admit to having one? ;)
> I see it like this: What could be very useful to have, is a mapping
> between tiger data (old set) and OSM data. It could be to late for this
> round, but an external_id:tiger = XXXX that you'd *never* remove, is a
> good thing. That'll help when updating.
> Then you'll need to to a diff between the old data and the new data, and
> find out which ID's are candidates for updating.
> Then you could do a diff between old and OSM for those IDs. Anything
> that's not touched in OSM --> update.
> Anything else, I'm sure you'll have to do more or less manually, but I'm
> sure you could automatize bits of it - like road classification changes,
> name changes etc.
> This is my rough proposal for how to handle large chunks of external
> data.

So what tiger data are we talking about exactly?

I have a script that loads zipcodes shp files into postgregis table?
Not sure if that helps? It basically loops through a states and enters
them to a postgis using shp2pssql.


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