On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 7:58 AM, Mark Williams

> Do you actually have that working? I use mkgmap-r659 & a Garmin Vista
> (HCx) and I see no routing - it insists on using the base map. I did see
> a mention of this some time back, but assumed it was 'coming' - it
> certainly hasn't made it to my setup!

As far as I'm aware there is no opensource OSM->routable-garmin
software, but there are non-opensource options available including
cGPSmapper. The one routable-osm map that I tried on my Garmin unit
(Venture Cx) had major problems with complexity - it couldn't route
more than about 7km in London before it became unusably long (>10mins,
I didn't let it complete) to calculate the route.


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