> Renderers have no idea about exact way width and attempt to
> render the
> barrier inside the schematic line of the main way (exactly on
> the place
> "veeeeeery close to the start of the private way").

So the relation is to try and overcome a problem with the renderers, rather 
than a problem with mapping? I've just accepted that I can't zoom in close 
enough to show things as accurately as they might be mapped. It's a matter of 

The post box icon for example often seems to overlap the way if it is actually 
next to the way, but then it may well also show as the same width as the way, 
which it clearly isn't in reality. I'm happy putting a node where the gates are 
(according to my GPS unit, and I've recently tagged a footpath that crosses a 
road and could clearly see where the gates needed to go, though I'd only got a 
single trace on each of the road and the footpaths taken with the same unit, so 
perhaps that helped). I think JOSM allows me to zoom in closer than the 
renderers do which might help with the positioning a bit.


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