wiseLYNX schrieb:
> hi,
> I was wondering if there is already a method to mark the (mainly
> architect) who designed a specific map feature. I did a quick search,
> but couldn't find what I was searching for.
> the tag would be useful for places rich in historical monuments. for
> example, in Torino, Itali, I'd mark the Mole Antonelliana
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mole_Antonelliana) something like:
> building=yes
> name=Mole Antonelliana
> architect=Alessandro Antonelli

I began to tag it with the architects or architects office name plus to
note date of completion (which refers to its first completion, before
changes may be made on the building). Beside that many buildings have
notes that they were destroyed and reconstructed a certain year.
destroyed=xxx reconstructed=xxx

The case given an important engineering part was made on it, than go for
engineer = Brunel, Eiffel, whoever.
I just say to have started with it.

regards, Stephan.

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