> Subject: [Spam] Re: [OSM-legal-talk] A really quick poll
> Closing the poll.
> The results look like this:
> Place no restrictions whatsoever on the use of the map data (Use a
> Public Domain license)
> 41.1% 76
> Ensure that users of the data contribute back any improvements they
> make (Use a share-alike license)
> 48.6% 90
> I don't really care!
> 10.3% 19

I wonder what we are deduce from that? 186 is not a bad total if the
respondents represented a balanced selection of the community.

I don't know how many people there are on talk - does anyone know? Let's
assume it is about 600 (there are 200 on legal-talk btw). If that was the
case then 30% of talk contributors voted which is not a bad result.

If it was a balanced selection then the PD community as some 8,000
contributors available to it (out of a total of 20,000 actual contributors)
and the SA community has slightly more. Some 2,000 contributors don't care.

What I don't get yet is why we need to split the community like this. Can
you PD guys please get on the legal soap box and 'sell' PD to me (and
everyone else). I am really not going to get that excited about PD until I
can see a bunch of clear arguments from individual contributors saying why
we should go that way and not SA. I put the soap-box up there precisely so
that we could have that sort of advocacy in a structured environment where
people can make their positions clear and so that they will remain available
until the decisions are made. The legal soap-box is here:

Btw, I am cross-posting this to legal-general which I believe is the correct
place for this discussion. Legal-talk is *not* the place for another burst
of advocacy for either position!

Thanks for doing the poll, very interesting,


> Thanks for your feedback.
> -J
> On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 3:51 PM, Joseph Gentle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Please fill out this poll:
> >
> > http://sineltor.selfip.org/osm.php
> >
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Joseph
> >
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