On Thu, 2008-11-13 at 10:40 +0000, Dave Stubbs wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 10:02 AM, Steve Chilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Trac #1327 below assigned to me but I can't resolve it.
> > It is a minor nuisance of something rendering at origin:
> > http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=0.000059&lon=-0.000016&zoom=18
> > Shows as station on mapnik, car park on cycle, station on nonames, nothing 
> > on osma
> > Editors show nothing there. Data layer says it is the API.
> > Any thoughts.
> > Just ignore it?
> >
> It's because the data isn't actually /there/ -- it's somewhere else.
> When things go wrong it's not unusual for the projection code etc to
> end up sticking stuff at 0,0. The API doesn't return it though.
> For example, the station is node 32009797, located at -90 latitude...
> the south pole.
> There's also a BP petrol station at the north pole, a helpful
> place=continent for Antartica, a helpful place for the North Pole, and
> a number of parking nodes inserted by osm2pgsql from parking areas
> that it obviously doesn't like.
> So it's partially some bad data, and partially some odd behaviour on
> the part of osm2pgsql/postgis/mapnik.
> I'll have a go at correcting some of the data.

As Dave says, they are artefacts of the osm2pgsql conversion process. 
I will add some code to discard these when I find some time.

gis=> select osm_id,amenity,name,astext(way) from planet_osm_point where
way && setSRID('BOX3D(-10 -10, 10 10)'::box3d,900913);
  osm_id   | amenity |       name        |          astext
  36966060 |         | Antarctica        | POINT(0 -1.5707963267949)
  32009797 |         | Peñagrande        | POINT(0 -1.5707963267949)
  26535074 | parking | Place de l'Eglise | POINT(0 0)
  26414180 | parking | Schüren           | POINT(0 0)
  23025831 | parking |                   | POINT(0 0)
  27962310 | parking |                   | POINT(0 0)
  24805472 | parking |                   | POINT(0 0)
  25209770 | fuel    | Station Bp        | POINT(0 1.5707963267949)
 269538499 |         | North Pole        | POINT(0 1.5707963267949)

gis=> select osm_id,highway,ref,astext(way) from planet_osm_line where
way && setSRID('BOX3D(-10 -10, 10 10)'::box3d,900913);
  osm_id  |   highway    |  ref   |              astext
 22529607 | unclassified | TF-463 | LINESTRING(0 1.5707963268,0 1.57)
(1 row)


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