2008/12/5 Nic Roets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Bernt,
> The default parameters for gosmore is that a ferry travels at 3 km/h
> and there is currently no way to override the parameters for specific
> object (It's not yet perfect !). The 3km/h allows for the time it will
> you will need to wait for the ferry to arrive, embarking, traveling
> and disembarking i.e. 3 hours for the ferry ride in question. You may
> well say "I'll plan my day so that I arrive at the scheduled departure
> time", but then you won't be using gosmore.

Well, this ferry route is a part of a Norwegian primary road (Riksveg)
with pretty high traffic (e.g. it's used by commuters). The ferries
(the route is served by 2 ferries) are departing every 35 minutes at
daytime and the ferry uses 25 minutes (10 minutes left for
disembarking & embarking). So the above assumption does not hold in
this case where the worst case daytime scenario is 65 minutes
(although you have to wait until 0500 if you arrive at the terminal
after 0045). Again, for other routes in less populated areas, you
might end up with a ferry that goes once a day, and then the 3km/h
assumption is ay too optimistic.

It seems to me that ferry routes need more information for routing
purposes, e.g. frequency and transport time, as in this case it is a
bad advice to drive around the fjord.

> Selecting "shortest" reveals that there is some problem with the
> oneway service roads in that area, because reversing the route or
> changing to bicycle or foot works.

Ok, I'll look into that.

2008/12/6 Lambertus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I have trouble remembering if Gosmore currently supports the maxspeed tag.
> But if it does then that tag could be 'abused' to give Gosmore a realistic
> hint about the traveltimes of ferry's. We could set the default for ferry's
> higher to (say 20km/h) and let the maxspeed represent the time it takes to
> take the ferry route.

I think it's a bad idea.
> Nic Roets wrote:
>> Hi Bernt,
>> The default parameters for gosmore is that a ferry travels at 3 km/h
>> and there is currently no way to override the parameters for specific
>> object (It's not yet perfect !). The 3km/h allows for the time it will
>> you will need to wait for the ferry to arrive, embarking, traveling
>> and disembarking i.e. 3 hours for the ferry ride in question. You may
>> well say "I'll plan my day so that I arrive at the scheduled departure
>> time", but then you won't be using gosmore.
>> Selecting "shortest" reveals that there is some problem with the
>> oneway service roads in that area, because reversing the route or
>> changing to bicycle or foot works.
>> --
>> The English channel ferry routes looks OK:
>> http://www.yournavigation.org/?flat=51.127581&flon=1.332441&tlat=50.966031&tlon=1.859529&v=foot&fast=0&layer=mapnik
>> If I slightly modify the route, gosmore gives up with no data problem.
>> It does this in order conserve RAM (there may also be a bad hash
>> function in the mix...). (It's not yet perfect !)
>> The Channel Tunnel is tagged
>>    * tunnel: yes
>>    * railway: rail
>>    * name:nl: Kanaaltunnel
>>    * created_by: Potlatch 0.10c
>>    * maxspeed: 160
>>    * name: Channel Tunnel
>>    * tracks: 2
>>    * source: interpolation
>>    * layer: -4
>> Can we tag it with motorcar:yes foot:yes bicycle:yes ? That in itself
>> will not be enough, but the changes to gosmore will eventually follow.
>> On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 1:16 PM, Robert (Jamie) Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Nic Roets wrote:
>>>> Yes.
>>>> http://www.yournavigation.org/?flat=52.96331&flon=4.76825&tlat=53.0023&tlon=4.78954&v=motorcar&fast=1&layer=mapnik
>>>> It's the slowest form of transport :
>>>> <routing bicycle="3" foot="3" goods="3" hgv="3" motorcycle="3"
>>>> motorcar="3" psv="3"/>
>>> It won't take the Channel Tunnel, or any UK - Mainland Europe ferries
>>> yet:
>>> http://www.yournavigation.org/?flat=50.938668&flon=1.903311&tlat=51.176453&tlon=0.844442&v=motorcar&fast=1&layer=mapnik
>>> Is this because the database is partitioned or something?
>>> Robert (Jamie) Munro
>>> Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
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>>> =gSrn
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