On Tue, 2008-12-09 at 11:51 +0100, Maarten Deen wrote:
> > On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:29 PM, Simon Ward <simon at bleah.co.uk> wrote:
> > > or a layer that allows you to select what POIs to display (although a
> > > long list of POIs might be a little unwieldy).
> >
> > This map already exists:
> > http://www.lenz-online.de/cgi-bin/osm/osmpoinit.pl/
> That solution is painfully slow and appears to be very awkward. In
> Firefox, it reloads, displays, reloads, displays, etc... and seems
> to do that for every single POI it finds. That can never be a
> viable solution.
> I was looking at the same for one of my other hobbies too and used
> the OpenLayers POI example that's in the wiki at
> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Openlayers_POI_layer_example>.
> I used that to create a map with all banks and ATMs in the
> Netherlands <http://www.maasluip.nl/ebt/openlayer.html>
> That works for me in Firefox, but it works less good in IE7 and quite
> poorly in IE6. Apparently IE has a problem with the number of POIs
> in the map (some 1200). As the list is currently fixed this is also
> not a viable solution for the general public.
> What you would want to make is a database backend (which can be the
> OSM database but can also be a dedicated one) and an OpenLayers
> solution that can display POIs on demand.
> The selection of POIs can be something like the map at lenz-online
> de, or you can make something that is more grouped per type of POI.
> That way you do a select on the database with with the boundingbox
> of the map and the selection of POIs you like and that returns all
> POIs you want, and displays them on the map.
> The database query thing is easy, and the displaying thing should
> also be possible with OpenLayers. I think the OSM Inspector
> <http://tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/> does something like that.

Also see <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenLayers_Dynamic_KML> for
an example (yes i should update that page, but what is there works).


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