On 12/10/08, Iván Sánchez Ortega <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> El Miércoles, 10 de Diciembre de 2008, Colin McGregor escribió:
>> Now mapping a service road is not an issue, but what makes this one of
>> interest is that it is closed to motorised vehicles during winter, and
>> during winter serves as a pedestrian trail. In other words a seasonal
>> road, so, question is how to tag a road like that? It does serve as a
>> pedestrian trail year round, but during summer cars are allowed... Tag
>> it as a trail or tag it as a service road?
> I proposed this a while ago:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Proposed_features/Dry_weather
> The reason was to be able to upload some Tanzania data, where roads get
> flooded in the wet season. I hadn't got a lot of time to work on that issue.

Yes, exactly the same sort of issue. In the case of the service road I
saw, I suspect the issue is the city doesn't want to be bothered
removing snow from the road during winter, and during spring the
Humber river can more-or-less be counted on to flood the road. Both
are good reasons to keep motorised vehicles off what is a very modest
paved service road for a number of months each year.

So, what can I do to help advance the cause of getting a seasonal tag
(be the season "winter" or "dry season") into OSM?

Colin McGregor

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