Hi Frederik,

I accidentally left that sentence there, sorry.
The current plan is to make AndNav2 free and supported by ads ( 
http://ads.andnav.org/ ).
We are currently searching for hardware-sponsors, because the server Pascal's 
services are running on can cover only the big countries of Europe ( 
http://coverage.andnav.org/ ).

Regarding the OpenSource-Part:
There is a "MapView"-Component tightly built inside of Android, which displays 
Google-MapTiles just like on maps.google.com .
My OpenSource-Part is placed on here: ( http://code.google.com/p/osmdroid/ )
and is a full 'replacement' for the Google-MapView class, with some additions.

It supports panning, zooming, Screen-->Geo & Geo-->Screen Transformation, 
Rotation, MiniMaps, Overlays, MapTile-Caching to SD-Card etc...
Its free for use and licensed under GPLv3.

Best Regards,

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