
after about 10 days from the first OSM archeo mapping party, the first
CC-BY-SA map of the ruined and partially buried Roman city near modern
Naples (Italy) is emerging from Mapnik.

Here you can find some results of our work (which is not finished

PS: a polemical note: pay attention to those teleatlas roads on the
left (google), they are wrongly "tagged" as being normal roads
interconnected with the street network, instead they are 2000 years
old cobble stones for pedestrian use only.

We ended up being 15 people, some experienced (and long time) mappers,
and some new additions. Some coming all the way through Italy to
attend the event. It was fabulous! Lasted all day long, and ended up
with an hot chocolate.

I have to say that there is a desperate need for an archaeological set
of tags in order to be able to describe these locations on a more
ordered way.

Some pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/leron/sets/72157610859291991/


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