2008/12/23 James Stewart <j.k.stew...@ed.ac.uk>:
> I am adding the names of areas of cities, towns and villages. The only
> way of marking these (at least without drawing the exact boundary) is
> with the tag 'place=suburb'. However there are at least 2 different
> levels of subdivisons in cities - in the case of Madrid there are
> Districts and Neighbourhoods (Barrios). Districts are made up of quite
> a few well known neighbours. Suburb to mark an area of a village does
> not seem right, especially as the name is often rendered in larger
> font than the actual village.
> Has anyone else come across this issue, or proposed solutions?

When tagging some districts in Warsaw, I noticed that there's a
hierarchy of districts and sub-districts with up to 3 or 4 levels,
although probably some of the names I marked are unofficial.  I first
assumed that the combination of name= together with is_in= would be
enough for the renderer to understand the hierarchy and use bigger
labels for the areas that have more (levels of) sub-areas in them, and
smaller labels for those that are deeper in the structure, i.e. have
more elements in the is_in= list.  It wasn't the case but I'm leaving
it this way because the is_in= value carries enough information to
reflect the hierachy fine. (With place=suburb, name=Someplace and


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