Here is a copy of an email I just posted to talk-GB. A great Xmas present from the UK government to OSM!

When we have our new 'talk-transit' list we can get stuck into the technical modeling decisions there and I suggest the main import decisions are discussed on talk-gb.

Can someone cross post to talk just so everyone knows what is coming to an area near them!



Begin forwarded message:

From: Peter Miller <>
Date: 23 December 2008 14:48:24 GMT
Subject: Official database of 350,00 GB bus stops etc and 50,000 places to be made available!

I am pleased to be able to announce that after discussions between various OSM contributors and the DfT / Traveline over the past months we are now able to make this announcement just in time for Xmas :)


The UK Department for Transport, together with Traveline, is offering
to make available the bulk of the data from their NaPTAN and NPTG data sets to
the OpenStreetMap project.

The National Public Transport Access Nodes (NaPTAN) dataset contains
details of some 350,000 public transport access points in Great Britain including bus stops,
railway stations, tram stops and ferry terminals. This data
includes a name, geocode, official code and other information useful
to the project.

The National Public Transport Gazetteer (NPTG) dataset is a gazetteer
of some 50,000 place names in the UK with a name and a geocode. These
places are arranged in a hierarchy so that it is known that Camden is
in London. Again there is additional information in the data set that
is useful to the project.

The Department requires that the official identifier for each feature
is also included in the imported data to allow the movement of these
features to be tracked over time and for updates to potentially be
added in the future.

For the avoidance of doubt the datasets themselves will remain Crown copyright. The Department is however offering a single one-off bulk import to OpenStreetMap under
the required CCBYSA licence used on OSM. It may from time to time
offer updates, but this is not guaranteed at this stage. It is in
principle happy with also making the data available on the ODbL licence but
would make a final decision when the text for the licence is made

This data would be made available in XML or CSV formats as per
published standards here:

The process of releasing the data would be as follows:

A trusted technical team (possibly consisting of one person) with OSM
is identified
An import process will be designed by the team and agreed with the
contact person at the DfT
The department will then release a copy of NaPTAN and NPTG to a
nominated individual for the purpose of entering the agreed data into
OSM in the agreed format.
On completion of the import the source datasets would be deleted.

I think you will all agree that this is a major opportunity for the OSM-GB project
and one which we should respond to positively.

I (Peter Miller/PeterIto) will make the introduction and will be happy to be on the
team but am not offering to do the bulk of the technical work.

This work is supported in this work by 'IdeasInTransit' which is a
five year research project funded by the UK government examining "what happens when people
and the power of the crowd come together with technology to address
the transport challenges faced by individuals and society".

I have added the key points from this post to a new NaPTAN wiki page where we can discuss the implications of this opportunity and how we take advantage of it.


Peter Miler
ITO World Ltd

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