On 4 Jan 2009, at 21:08, Frederik Ramm wrote:

> I am thus suggesting that we drop using the special "type=boundary"
> relation and instead use a simple "type=multipolygon" for  
> administrative
> areas. Everything else would stay the same (boundary=administrative,
> admin_level=x, name=y, ...). Members would not carry the roles  
> "exclave"
> and "enclave" (which seem to have been difficult to understand for
> some), but instead simply "outer" and "inner" just like with plain
> multipolygons.
> I have described the suggested change in detail here:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Relation:boundary#Use_type.3Dmultipolygon_instead

Sound good to me. Do we have to make all the changes manually or could  
some sort of robot do it for us - or are robots still not trusted for  
any job - also, should we get confirmation that the main renderers are  
accommodating the new format before making the switch and indeed do  
Mapnik and Osmarender render boundaries from relations anyway?


> Bye
> Frederik
> -- 
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09"  
> E008°23'33"
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