>> I'm looking at replacing MS VEarth imagery in 
>> http://oakland.crimespotting.org/crimes 
>>    with OSM, and I've been working on how to introduce the idea of  
>> an  editable map to our (non-technical) visitors. OpenStreetBugs  
>> offers an  obvious pathway in, though my experience observing local  
>> bugs is OSB  shows that people don't understand the rendering  
>> delay: "I added this  bug, someone closed it, yet the mistake is  
>> still here in the map."
> you're probably going at it the wrong technical way.
> the best way to do what you want is to use the OSM map as-is , and  
> create your own layer with the crime locations, that you can render  
> in real time
> of course, I also may have misunderstood what you want to do  
> entirely too ;)

I'm pretty comfortable with our own use of OSM; it's the explanation  
to a non-technical audience that I'm thinking about.

I actually have a complete tileset that I'm planning to use already  
rendered and ready. It has schools and parks clearly labeled, an  
important consideration for local crime data. I am planning to use  
these tiles as they are, but I'm looking to introduce our users to the  
idea that they can add their own relevant local details for inclusion  
in the base map: commercial districts, fire stations, liquor stores,  
etc. The reason to switch to OSM is that VEarth imagery generally  
doesn't have any of this, making it hard to understand the local  
context for a given crime report.


michal migurski- m...@stamen.com

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