Is there a standard way of tagging railways hierarchically? I can't
find anything in the wiki about this.

As with roads it would be nice to have data for what kind of railway
line we are tagging. In many countries in Europe, e.g. Spain,
different lines differ widely in the speed they can manage. There are
high speed lines (max 300km/h or more), fast ones (max 200km/h), 19th
century-like ones (80km/h or less)...

Looking at tagwatch in France it seems that highspeed=yes has been
used quite often. Of course that's cool but tagging with specific max
speed would be better as there is no clear definition as to what
high-speed rail is [1].

Also it is not only about speed, it would be good to have some kind of
hierarchy that indicates whether a line is trunk, primary, secondary
as with roads.

That would help a lot in having sensible open rail maps, somebody
posted recently in this list about a project to create rail maps for
Europe, so I suppose there is some interest in this.

What are people doing about this? Anybody can share their experiences?




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