SteveC wrote:
> Dear all
> We had a review call today on the technical side of OSM and one of the  
> things that came up was the transition to API 0.6
> API 0.6 is the latest and greatest in OSM APIs and brings scrummy  
> goodness like changesets. You can read more at the wiki page. A lot of  
> work has gone in to it from a number of people.
> The downside is that there needs to be some database downtime while  
> the change happens. This means a period of time without login, editing  
> and so on. The slippy map will of course still work.
> We have agreed a date of 21/22 March. During this time, and possibly  
> for a little while after, you won't be able to log in or edit while  
> things are upgraded.
> Technical questions on this should be thrown at Matt Amos and TomH.
> So, apologies, but hopefully this is enough advance warning for you to  
> avoid activities around that time. From there OSM will be stronger,  
> better, faster, longer and higher than before.
On a related note (note sure about the best way to announce this), there 
will be an interruption in the the osmosis daily/hourly/minute 
changesets during this time.  I'll start them again when the db comes 
online again after the migration and they'll be in 0.6 format.  It will 
be necessary to download a new planet and resync again.


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