Russ Nelson wrote:
> On Jan 22, 2009, at 3:52 AM, Tom Hughes wrote:
>> Can you explain a bit more about exactly what you tried to do and  
>> what the message you got was? Only the export tab doesn't give any  
>> such errors as far as I can see.
> I was unable to reproduce the error, unfortunately.  It was probably  
> (as you said in another message) "Map too large".  When I tried to  
> reproduce the error, all that happened was the Export button went gray  
> after I pressed it.  I THINK that what I did was simply to remove a  
> zero from the end of the scale, which produced a map ten times the  
> usual size.  However, I can't get it to happen again.

The export button going grey is what is supposed to happen - you should 
never be able to submit a form that will produce that error as the 
button should have been disabled to stop you.


Tom Hughes (

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