On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves <law...@au-kbc.org> wrote:
> On Friday 23 Jan 2009 6:00:08 pm Sven Rautenberg wrote:
>> > if the way is "layer=0" and the bridge is "layer=0" too
>> > (the crossing way under is "layer=-1", digged)
>> > then the bridge has no ramps.
>> Something with negative layer has to be a tunnel. Bridges are useless if
>> there is a tunnel. Do not tag bridges as "layer=0" just because there
>> are no ramps. The layer tag is to help a renderer put the ways in the
>> right visual order - not to indicate whether or not a way is elevated or
>> not. Do not tag ways as "layer=-1" just because they are below the
>> general earth surface (such as rivers).
> this is important - only underground rivers should be given a -1 layer tag

Not true at all.


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