2009/1/27 Brandon Aguirre <bran...@cloudmade.com>:
> Hey all,
> I'm tagging cycle infrastructure with the lcn_ref tag but need advice
> since it was developed for Europe where they designate routes
> numerically like a highway system. What do you suggest I put as the
> lcn_ref for various cycle inf. (I put yes as a placeholder but it
> looks so lame) I have the regional bike map and the gov. hasn't
> numbered or named them in any way. Should specify the type of
> infrastructure?
> i.e.
> lcn_ref= bike lane or
> lcn_ref= bike boulevard (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
> Bicycle_Boulevards)

Use relations, or alternatively the tag lcn=yes is supported if it has
no reference.

> Also, has anyone tagged a bike box? 
> (http://www.portlandonline.com/TRANSPORTATION/index.cfm?c=46717
> )

Not to my knowledge, but there's plenty in the uk...

Thomas Wood

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