From: Sven Rautenberg <s...@rtbg.de>
To: talk@openstreetmap.org
Sent: Thursday, 29 January, 2009 10:34:03
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] [Tag-Proposal] Freifunk/Mesh nodes + links

>Linus Lüssing schrieb:
>> In my opinion Freifunk and OpenStreetMap are both very good and valuable
>> public services run by eager indivuals. However, I'm wondering, if these
>> public services shouldn't be interconnected with each other a bit more.
>While I am not against working together, I doubt it would be useful to
>dump your database into OSM.

I'm with Sven on this as far as the OSM database is concerned - a potentially 
fast-changing set of data such as a set of wireless nodes wouldn't be good fit 
in the OSM database itself.

However, OSM is more than just a database, it's also a set of tools to do 
interesting things with that data and a community surrounding it. I'm very keen 
to see the OSM data used to create custom maps for all sorts of applications, 
and a Freifunk network map would be a good example of this. You could take a 
copy of OSM data, merge it with Freifunk data from a separate database and use 
Mapnik (or osmanrender, or anything else) to generate a custom map. This is 
absolutely what OSM is about, and I think you'd find the OSM community very 
supportive of such an effort.

Just my tuppence worth......


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