Looks fabulous on the Touch HD :-)

I'll play more with it during the journey into work in the morning. My 
first wishlist request is for Apptodate support :-)


Kyle (an osmtracker user too)

George Styles wrote:
> Hi,
> Ive written some software for Windows Mobile to make on-the-road contribution 
> to OSM possible. If any Windows Mobile 6 owning people would like to 
> beta-test it, ive stuck it up at
> http://release.georgestyles.co.uk/GeorgeMap
> ive stuck some screenshots here
> http://release.georgestyles.co.uk/GeorgeMap/ScreenShots/Default.aspx
> Its only currently useful for filling in missing names from streets which 
> already exist (without a name tag). It cannot yet create / edit the actual 
> nodes that make a street (apart from splitting an existing street).
> At the moment its simply freeware. I want to GPL it, but need to open a 
> sourceforge account etc etc, and havent had time yet...
> Features are
>     *  GPS Support (using WM GPS driver)
>     * Display OSM tiles from MapNik, OSMARender, CycleMap or CloudMade
>     * Query OSM for streets and nodes in the visible area
>     * Displays unnamed streets in red, named ones in green (and ones named by 
> you in lighter green so you can see the difference you are making)
>     * Can query GPS points (although until I add node editing, that is kind 
> of useless)
>     * Program can check for newer versions and automatically install them (if 
> you ask it to...)
>     * Multi-threaded - tiles /data are downloaded in the background, as are 
> uploads of changes.   
>     * Ability to name unnamed streets (or change the name of existing ones)
>     * Offline edit model - edits are held in the phone until you choose to 
> sync them. This is needed because mobile coverage is not 100%
>     * Split / join ways (join dosent quite always work properly yet)
>     * Current GPS trail overlaid on map so you can see where you have been 
> (plan to upload trails to OSM in near future)
> Should I email this to the dev list as well, since ive done some dev???
> g
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Kyle Gordon - 2M1DIQ
Web: http://lodge.glasgownet.com
Jabber/Email/SIP: k...@lodge.glasgownet.com

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