2009/2/27 Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com>:
> Anybody else having trouble with cyclemap at z18?
> For me, this link delivers only a blank white map area.  The browser
> claims to have finished loading.  Right-clicking on the map area does
> not offer view image.
> I've tried this on Firefox/Linux and Epiphany/Linux and another
> browser/wine.
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=43.652824&lon=-79.383785&zoom=18&layers=00B0FTF
> Anybody else seeing this?

The renderd process had crashed for some reason.. I've restarted it. I
deleted all the z18 tiles the other day because we're running out of
tile cache space (about 400GB)... a combination of that and the
process crash means that it's been churning out 404s for a while.
Anyway should all be working now.


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