Iván Sánchez Ortega <ivan <at> sanchezortega.es> writes:

> El Jueves, 5 de Marzo de 2009, Daniel A Carleton escribió:
> > Hello List,
> >
> > I'd like to use an OSM raster layer in uDig, and a WMS seems like a
> > convenient way to do it.  Is anyone doing something similar to this,
> > or using OSM tiles in uDig generally?  Would be grateful for any
> > advice.
> There is a WMS-over-OSM implementation in the OSM SVN repository, and it 
> doesn't totally suck (you can read that as "it doesn't crash all the time" - 
> if it doesn't work in your environment, blame goes to me). 

If you can consider running your own WMS server and you can tolerate MapServer
then you can try the instructions from
http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/wiki/RenderingOsmData.  For WMS usage you can
stop after Creating the Mapfile section.  Mapserver homapage
http://mapserver.org shows an example of rendering.

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