You too Andy, great post.

On 5 Mar 2009, at 02:57, Andy Allan wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 12:40 AM, MP <> wrote:
>>> Yes. At least when you expect 100000 people to go along and the  
>>> issue
>>> has the potential to break OSM apart, it would not be a bad idea  
>>> to send
>>> monthly information about the state of things.
>> Hmm ... perhaps sometimes it would be good to mass-email all members
>> when it is about changes with possibly devastating (mass deletion)
>> effect. Not everybody reads various blogs or parts of wiki around  
>> OSM,
>> but almost everybody reads their email.
> Hang on, here's something which has been misunderstood. There's a good
> reason that we haven't emailed all 100,000 people yet. We're not sure
> whether the OSMF endorses the new license, which is itself still in a
> draft. If you look at the license plan (
> ) you'll see it comes in the following stages:
> 1) Make the plan and the draft public. Ask for feedback.
> 2) Wait for feedback to be taken into account and expect/hope for a
> final version of the ODbL
> 3) See if the OSMF board approves
> 4) See if OSMF members like what results
> 5) If they do, then start asking the rest of the community
> *So we're at point 1*. We've always assumed that if you're the kind of
> person who wants to be involved in drafting licenses, reviewing
> incomplete licenses and so on you'll get involved. Most people
> probably don't care. That's why legal-talk subscriptions aren't
> compulsory in order to use the API.
> If you feel left out of stage 3, then maybe you should become a member
> of the OSMF. That's what it's there for. But again, not everyone is
> interested in the running of the project, doing behind the scenes
> stuff, holding the OSMF Board to account etc. Which is why OSMF
> membership isn't compulsory either.
> There's all chances that the OSMF members won't vote for the license,
> in which case it won't be put to the community at all Or maybe they
> will. The way the plan is seems to me a sensible staged approach of
> involvment - first the Board, then the Members, then the community at
> large. It needs to get through all three stages to work, and if any
> group disapproves, it stops. And we involve the smallest group first,
> then a bigger, then the biggest.
> Now because things are being done publicly, lots of people who are
> only interested in stage 5 think that we've skipped a few stages.
> Maybe we've found some people who want to be invovled in stage 1 who
> didn't realise until now that they did. Good. It's nice to have more
> people interested.
> Cheers,
> Andy
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