Russ Nelson schrieb:
> On Mar 9, 2009, at 3:07 PM, Matthew Toups wrote:
>>  If we can't change the data, what's the point of having it in OSM?
> Having consistent metadata and a consistent single-source API.
>>>> On what bases would someone with no formal training, no legal deed
>>>> description, or survey map have to determine if a State boundary is
>>>> correct or incorrect. Simply holding a GPS receiver does not give
>>>> someone authority.
>> This sounds like many arguments against wikipedia -- of *course* only
>> highly trained professionals should be allowed to edit an  
>> encyclopedia!
> Note his title: Surveyors get VERY VERY grumpy whenever they hear that  
> people with a GPS receiver are using it for positional recording.   
> VERY grumpy.

Hmmm, maybe surveyors are not compatible with OSM then :-)

"Simply holding a GPS receiver does not give someone authority." That's 
perfectly true. But we're not searching for authorative reference. If 
they want to have an "authoritive database", OSM is probably the wrong 
place to look at!

OSM is about to have a *free* database. Saying "your not allowed to 
change the data" is *not* a free database as I understand it.

I would like to see that data included, but if this sacrifies the 
principles of OSM, I'd say thanks, but no thanks!

Regards, ULFL

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