Daniel A Carleton <daniel.carleton <at> exaptic.com> writes:

>Are any of you aware of a conflation algorithm that "snaps" GPS tracks  
>to the street grid?  This could be a useful way to verify existing  
>road networks and fill in any gaps.  e.g. I go out and ride on city  
>streets, overlay my GPS track on the OSM grid, and the algorithm shows  
>me where I traveled over unknown segments of road or deviated a  
>disproportionate amount.

To do that you'd ideally want to know the margin of error for the GPS readings.
 My GPS unit (Garmin eTrex Vista HCx) shows an error circle on its screen
(giving a tighter circle when there is good reception, and a wider one when the
sky is obscured by tall buildings) but on saving the tracks as GPX this
information is lost.  Is there a way to export the track log including error
circles into a format that the OSM servers recognize?

(It appears that I could connect the unit to a laptop and record the tracks with
gpsd, but I would prefer to just carry the unit and recover the track log

Ed Avis <e...@waniasset.com>

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