On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 4:53 PM, Daniel A Carleton <
daniel.carle...@exaptic.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I'm trying to evaluate what street map dataset to go with for a web
> application.  I appreciate the features in the OSM data that would
> otherwise go overlooked by big commercial products.  e.g. Trails and
> such.  Also the affordability!  There is substantial risk, though,
> because the TIGER data is not sufficient, and I don't know how active
> the OSM mapping community is in my area.
> Is there an easy way to determine the activity level of users in my
> area?  I live in Seattle, WA USA.  Seems like most of you folks are in
> Europe.
> Thanks,
> - Daniel

There's a pretty good community in the US, too (although not nearly as
prolific as the Germans). To monitor activity I'd suggest you go to
www.itoworld.com and sign up to monitor an area you're interested in. The
"sessions" view will give you an idea about recent activity. Also, if you
set a location on your OSM profile, you can see other nearby users who have
given their location as well.

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