
2009/3/17 Lars Aronsson <l...@aronsson.se>:
>> Any further ideas? Add them to the talk page or join us in Berlin!
> If Daniel Kinzler is closing down registration for the meeting,
> because he claims it is overbooked and c-base is too small, we
> need to find another room in Berlin for this meeting.  Does
> anybody have a conference room in Berlin on April 3-5?  It needs
> to be free of charge or very cheap.

Originally no real life meeting was planned at all for the WM-DE/OSM
project, because the budget matches the price for the needed hardware.
So we had this idea to organize a small session at the MediaWiki
Developer Meetup - we didn't expect that it filled up so fast. I think
even the organizers were surprised by such a high interest in their
event. If I got it right, now it's already twice as big as originally

Personally I don't think it's possible to re-organize such a meetup in
only a few weeks. You'll need to talk to the organizers.

Regarding the people interested in the map project: Because the
project just started, it won't be too useful to add more people to the
group before we have buyed the servers, brought them to our data
center in Amsterdam and set up a base system. I'm pretty sure this
will need some time. Once we're done with this, we're really
interested in getting more people in.

Bye, Tim.


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