On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 08:20:02PM +0100, Ben Laenen wrote:
> Subject: [OSM-talk] t...@h broken?
> It looks like the t...@h rendering is horribly broken since yesterday. When 
> tiles are updated only a tiny amount of features are still rendered, 
> and the rest is just a gray field. For example 
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.3755&lon=4.3508&zoom=12&layers=0B00FTF 
> Is this in the process of getting fixed?

We have been seeing this a lot - even my own clients happen to upload
broken tiles. I have turned on debugging to see if this is a ruleset
problem or trapi/roma/api problem ...

The point is that rerendering the tile most of the time cures the
problem which - assumeing all clients have the same version - excludes a
ruleset problem.

Florian Lohoff                  f...@rfc822.org             +49-171-2280134
        Those who would give up a little freedom to get a little 
          security shall soon have neither - Benjamin Franklin

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