Le lundi 30 mars 2009 à 05:46, PAA a écrit :
> Request for comments on creating the key:h and making it synonymous with
> key:highway.

That's just ridiculous.
Don't start duplicating tags with the same meaning.

> As i understand things, this has four huge benefits: 
> -reduce data entry time when editing OSM (e.g. 6/7ths less characters to
> type)

JSOM already helps you there, when adding a new highway tag I only have top 
type "hig" and JSOM adds "hway", same for values.
If three letters is still too much for you you can make a JOSM plugin that 
will translate h into highway.

> -reduce data entry errors when editing OSM (current obvious errors from
> tagwatch europe: highlight, hightway, highwaY, highwat, higwhway, and the
> champion, higway, with 1478 entries)

That's what predefined settings are made for, you click on a menu and 
select "primary road".

> -reduce OSM data storage space (over 6M highways just from
> http://tagwatch.stoecker.eu/Europe/En/tags.html; simple naive estimate
> 6M*6 bytes=36MBytes uncompressed data reduction)
> -reduce bandwidth for transfers to/from OSM

planet files are already compressed, you won't gain much by replacing 
meaningful tags by codeletters.

And once you start with tag names, you could go on with values and 
replace "primary" with "p", "secondary" with "s" and so on.

Renaud Michel

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