
andrew heggie wrote:
> On Wednesday 08 April 2009 08:43:23 80n wrote:
>>> The "Copyright (c) <year>" makes it clear internationally that there is
>>> an actual copyright on it. "OpenStreetMap Contributors" names the
>>> copyright holders, which are the individual contributors, not
>>> "OpenStreetMap" (because that doesn't exist as a legal entity) and not
>>> the OSMF.
>> This is correct.
> Is there agreement on that then? 

Well, agreement is overstating it I guess. I am of the opinion that most 
data in our database does not merit a copyright, and that claiming to 
have a copyright where you are not sure you have one is morally 
questionable. If I were in the mood for a fight I'd tell you that 
spreading spurious copyright claims puts one on the same level as people 
like scientology or record companies.

But I'm not today.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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