
i have two sources of information that seem to contradict sometimes,
maybe somebody can give me some hints?

I used subversion to checkout svn.openstreetmap.org.

After installing geos-3.1.0 i could compile and install osm2pgsql.

I also downloaded and installed postgis-1.3.5.

I've also set up PostgreSQL on my linux system.

In svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/rendering/mapnik/install.txt
i've read how to set up the tables in PostgreSQL (see below).
This description is missing on:
Isn't it necessary?

# some line breaks are added...

export user_name="tmohr"

sudo -u postgres createuser -Upostgres -S -D -R "$user_name"
echo "GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA PUBLIC TO \"$user_name\";" |
  sudo -u postgres psql -Upostgres gis
sudo -u postgres createlang plpgsql gis
sudo -u postgres psql -Upostgres gis </usr/share/postgresql/lwpostgis.sql \
     2>&1 | grep -v -e 'FEHLER:  aktuelle Transaktion' \
     -e 'ERROR:  current transaction is aborted' \
echo "GRANT ALL on geometry_columns TO \"$user_name\";" |
  sudo -u postgres psql -Upostgres gis
echo "GRANT ALL on spatial_ref_sys TO \"$user_name\";" |
  sudo -u postgres psql -Upostgres gis
echo "GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA PUBLIC TO \"$user_name\";" |
  sudo -u postgres psql -Upostgres gis


I had also downloaded:

1. planet-090408.osm.bz2
2. relations-090408.osm.bz2  (what is this one for?  I did not use it at all.)
3. world_boundaries-spherical.tgz
4. processed_p.zip
5. shoreline_300.tar.bz2

I installed 3, 4 and 5, all files directly into

Importing planet.osm as described on the openstreetmap wiki fails:

schleim:/local/ftp/osm # bzcat /local/ftp/osm/planet-090408.osm.bz2 |
  sudo -u postgres osm2pgsql -m -
osm2pgsql SVN version 0.65-14495

Using projection SRS 900913 (Spherical Mercator)
Setting up table: planet_osm_point
Setting up table: planet_osm_line
Setting up table: planet_osm_polygon
Setting up table: planet_osm_roads
Mid: Ram, scale=100

Reading in file: -
Processing: Node(330350k) Way(159k) Relation(0k)
# The line above is German, means memory access error.

Can anybody give me a hint if  i've set  up something wrong?

Thanks for any hints,

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