Ladies & Gentlemen finish your uploads

We are *go* for API lock-down in T minus 60 minutes.


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 11:28:45 +0100
From: "Andy Robinson \(blackadder-lists\)" <>
Subject: [OSM-talk] IMPORTANT - OSM API upgrade - Read Only access
        mode from       09:00 UTC Fri 17th April
To: <>

Dear OpenStreetMap Users,

This weekend sees the long awaited upgrade of our main API from version API
0.5 to API 0.6. This is a major development for the project and involves
upgrades to both the hardware platform (the main OSM database) as well as
the software that we all use to communicate with it.

In order to migrate the existing OSM database to the new server and software
platform it is necessary to lock the OSM database to Read Only access, that
means you will not be able to upload your new map edits to OSM once the
current API is in read only mode.

Read only access will commence at 09:00 UTC Friday 17th April 2009 and is
expected to last throughout the API upgrade period.

Completion of the API upgrade and database migration is scheduled for some
time on Monday April 20th, however the exact time will depend upon how well
progress goes over the weekend. It is also highly likely that there will be
periods of total API downtime during the weekend as the upgrade is

The front page of the wiki will be your best place to keep an eye on the
current status, or hang out in IRC at #OSM for hour by hour news, but please
keep your questions to a minimum as our sysadmins team will be busy!
Concrete news updates, when they are available, will be published.

The technical working group and the full API 0.6 development team have
worked long and hard to deliver this exciting new upgrade to the OSM
platform. I am sure you will wish to join me in thanking them all for their
efforts and contribution to date and wish them the very best with the work
over this weekend.

For more information about the changes please see the following wiki page:


If you have not seen this message on your local language mainling list or
forum please help communicate to the wider audience by translating and
posting on. If also you can help with translations for the wiki page that
would be great too.

For and on behalf of the OpenStreetMap Foundation Board

Andy Robinson

talk mailing list

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