
> 2009/4/18 Torsten Mohr <tm...@s.netic.de>
> > I'd like to print a map of Germany as a poster.  My understanding is
> > that osm.xml is configured to create maps that look fine on a screen.
> > But the Pixels per Inch on a computer monitor are different compared to
> > the PPI on a printed poster.
> > So e.g. text size, symbol size and others may not look optimal when
> > printed.

That is correct. I wrote a small script (in Ruby, BSD license) to modify an 
existing mapnik style by scaling all text sizes, line widths, 
min/maxscaledenominators etc. It worked quite well for me (using the 
standard openstreetmap mapnik style) when I tried it some months ago.

Link to script: http://www.ancalime.de/images/scalestyle.rb

One caveat, though: As the icons are included as pixel graphics, and I do 
not know of any possiblity to scale them using style file syntax, they are 
not modified. Thus they will appear much too small on a printed map. If you 
have better icons, you might be able to adapt the script such that it 
exchanges yours for the standard ones ...

For an own map (which also uses cascadenic style preprocessor to produce the 
mapnik styles), I created a set of icons in different pixel sizes (converted 
by inkscape from SVG templates mainly from the OSM SVN), where the size is 
included as suffix in the filename. With another script (much more complex, 
so I cannot publish it right away; but if you are interested, I might be 
able to produce an excerpt of the relevant parts in about two or three 
weeks) I can parse these filenames, and look for appropriately sized icons 
in their directory.

Hope this helps ... Yours,
Holger Schoener         nume...@ancalime.de

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