Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio <jldominguez <at> prodevelop.es> writes:

> That is happening in Scandinavia with Spherical Mercator: 
> Sweden is ridiculously large, but sorry, that's the way it is
> using that projection, so the scale bar is right. The problem
> is that the projection is not good for that part of the worl.
> - Using common sense: As you say, the top and bottom of the 
> screen have about the same scale if you zoom in a bit, 
> so it is possible to forget about the coordinates provided
> by the projection and create a locally sensible scale bar.I
> have seen the first option used on OSM's front page and the
> second option in Cloudmade's website.Regards,Juan Lucas


I believe also that the scale bar is not right. Distorsion is one thing, it
makes Sweden (and Finland) to look visually ridiculous on the map, but it does
not mean that these countries are twice as large in the real life.  Scale bar
values, if presented in meters/feet, should be adjusted according to latitude.
Even then it cannot be correct for the whole map, but showing the corrrect scale
for the middle latitude of a would perhaps be the best compromise.  Of course if
scale were presented in degrees then it would be correct universally, but that
would not be very useful for average users.

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