
i got much further converting an image with gdalwarp, mainly with these two


Basically i got the "blue marble" (high quality TIF image of the earth,
consists of two files, west and east, each has 21600 x 21600 pixel.

So i split the image into 8 strips, each 5400 x 21600.

For example str_4.tif is the 4th strip going fromnorth pole to south pole
left goes through Greenwhich, right stops just before the Horn of Africa
(west side).

I've created a "world file" str_4.tfw (i've added the comments just now):
0.00833333333333333333 # delta x in angles per pixel
0.00  # no rotation
0.00  # no rotation
-0.00833333333333333333 # delta y in angles per pixel
0.0  # upper left corner X
90.0 # upper left corner Y

Now i call gdalwarp to convert it to the SRS used in osm.xml:

-s_srs EPSG:4326 
-t_srs '+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 
+y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgri...@null +no_defs +over'

But cstr_4.tif is "distorted", Africa is at 20% from the top, 40% from the top
begins Antarctica and goes down to the bottom (100%).

Is the "world file" incorrect?  Is the call to gdalwarp incorrect?

It would be great if anybody got a hint for me.

Also, i didn't find any explanation for the options of gdalwarp or
the parts in an SRS.  If anybody got an explanation that would be

Best regards,

Am Freitag, 1. Mai 2009 21:25:07 schrieb Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio:
> > Hello, i have an image that can be wrapped around
> > a sphere, its x / y coordinates directly map to latitude / longitude.
> What do you mean by that?
> Do you mean that when you open it with some GIS app, the status bar tells
> the correct (lat, lon) of the place where the mouse is? Some GIS apps
> reproject raster files by default without explicitly letting the user know.
> Use this utility and tell us the output:
> gdalinfo <filename>
> > Is that enough information to tell the SRS of that image?
> Strictly, no, but if we talk about (lat, lon), the EPSG:4326 coordinate
> system is by far the most common, so if your coordinates are originally in
> (lat, lon), they are very likely to be in EPSG:4326.
> > Background is that i'd like to transform that image so it matches
> > the SRS used in osm.xml.  Would that be WGS84?  Or is it called
> > epsg:4326?  (Do they mean the same?)
> Yes, informally, when people say WGS84 they mean EPSG:4326. Ask Mr Google
> or the wikipedia for details....
> > Thanks for any hints, Torsten.
> Regards
> Juan Lucas

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