On Sun, 2009-05-10 at 13:19 +0100, Jon Burgess wrote:
> > I also tried to access "Thüringen" by its osm_id, but also no
> success.
> > 
> > In "PSQL gis":
> > 
> > gis=> select osm_id, name from planet_osm_polygon where name like
> > 'Thüringen' 
> > limit 1000;
> >  osm_id |   name
> > --------+-----------
> >  -76689 | Thüringen
> > (1 Zeile)
> > 
> > 
> > Can anybody tell me how to draw the three missing states?
> > 
> > Is there an explanation why they are "missing"?
> > 
> Since the entry is in the polygon table, the only obvious problem I
> can
> think of is the direction of the polygon, clockwise vs
> counter-clockwise. Mapnik & Postgis really want all polygons to be
> clockwise but the osm2pgsql code does not guarantee this. Try doing:
> $ psql gis
> gis=> update planet_osm_polygon set way=ST_Reverse(way) where
> osm_id=-76689;
> On older versions of postgis, ST_Reverse(way) might need to
> reverse(way).

This afternoon I committed a fix which should make osm2pgsql generate
all polygons with the rings in the correct direction. Try updating to
the latest SVN[1] code and importing the OSM data again.


1: The server hosting SVN and the talk mailing list is unavailable at
the moment.

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