Am Thursday 21 May 2009 schrieb Radomir Cernoch:
> Guenther Meyer píše v Čt 21. 05. 2009 v 09:02 +0200:
> > yes - if you can make use of a database with geospatial extension like
> > postgis. there you have functions to find out easily if a point or a line
> > (which streets are) lies inside a given polygon.
> > I you don't have those functions, I don't know if this is possible.
> > It may be, but this would be a very complex thing...
> Thank you for your explanation. Would it be then possible to ask
> questions like: "Is the point at (x,y) inside any polygon, which
> has tag 'z'?" Or even something like a "JOIN" of the point itself with
> the polygon: "Give me all points in bbox (a,b,c,d) and the value of
> 'zone:xxx' of an encompassing polygon, if they lie in some"?
with or without gis functions?
with those functions this all is possible.
without, searching for points inside a bbox or circle is relatively easy, 
finding a point inside a polygon is maybe also doable with some more effort.

> Sorry for many questions, but I do not want to promote an idea without
> knowing that it's feasible...
I'm not a gis expert, maybe here are people who know this better...
what is your idea?

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