On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 10:18, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
> Martijn van Exel wrote:
>> Great work. It all seems somewhat snappier. Love the offline editing
>> feature already.
> Glad you like it (and others, thanks for the kind comments). :)
>> Still no 'building' preset?
> What would you like to see the preset as? I'm no tagging guru.

Simply adding building=yes to the autocomplete list would encourage
mappers to use it. There's no real preset there even I think - it's
just having it appear in the autocomplete list act as encouragement to
use it. Buildings are rendered by both mapnik and osmarender, so I
guess that means its use is widely accepted.

It might look a little strange though, come to think of it, because
building=no is not used afaik..

martijn van exel -+- mve...@gmail.com -+- http://www.schaaltreinen.nl/

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