Ingo Lantschner wrote:

> anyone here, who has experiences on using Garmins nüvi 550 for
> collecting data and exporting this for use in OSM?

I have a Nüvi 205 and have found the trackpoint placing rather sparse. The
strategy seems to be "on chaninging occurences", not every x meters or x
seconds and I haven't found a setting how to influence that.
Maybe the 550 has a setting for that, but if it doesn't than it is not very
It also locks to roads if it is in navigation mode. Lock to road is only off
if you set the "vehicle" to off-road, but then it does not do any navigation.

But the tracklog is on the internal memory, if I recall correctly it is in the
GPX directory and it is a GPX file. You can open that in JOSM without the need
to convert.

No idea how this all applies to the 550, but maybe it helps.


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