If I was to get a copy of the Electoral Roll, could I use that to get
a list of House Names, Street Names, and Postcodes and then use that
to create a tick list of houses. If we have a list of stuff that we
know should exist then we could use it to make sure the map has all
the data for the area. I have looked at the feed the postcode site and
though it provided
postcodes it does not help us work out what areas still need postcode
data adding to them etc. It would be nice to have a list of postcodes
that we have and a list we should have then do some math and we have a
list of the ones we need to find.

This I think could also expand to other POI stuff. For example it
would only take a short wile to get all the addresses of Burger Kings
in the UK. If the BK is already mapped then we could add the address
to the POI so giving us another known postcode location. If it is not
mapped we could add a link to the town that we need to locate the BK.
It does not need to be just BK but it could be National Trust Sites,
English Heritage Sites. Someone in the head offices of these
firms/organisations is going to have a list of sites with full address
and they are likely to be happy for us to have the data because if
their hotels, restaurants are all on the the map of choice then they
will benefit exp. as its free. Google does have a facility for
companies to add their locations in bulk.

If I gathered the address info from their website then that should not
be an issue, should it?
If I was to get some of this data would there be a copyright issues?
Is it worth me making a wiki page with some of the info? So people
could check of places that have been found and done.

I guess a future website would be the ability for firms to add their
own info to the map. Using a form and a OSM window so they can put
their address in and add the location plus the usual info. But I don't
have the geek powers for that.

Jack Stringer

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