
ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen wrote:
> I want to suggest the following feature to the next API :

The API must be kept simple. I agree that lifecycle support needs 
improvement but the API is not the place to implement such specific 
rules. The API is, and should remain, first and foremost a storage 
engine that does not care about what you store in it.

I think that much of the functionality you desire could be achieved by 
improving the filter capabilities of the API. The API should always 
return what the client requests, and not add any magic evaluation rules 
itself. It is up the the client to decide whether it wants past or 
future objects, and how it wants to communicate a deletion to the API.

Improved filtering would not even require API 0.7 because it would just 
add a few things and leave the existing stuff untouched.


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