Germany has them too (Fahrradstrasse). Probably highway=residential with
cycleway=something as yet undefined.


On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 7:44 PM, Paul Johnson <> wrote:

> I'm curious if bicycle boulevards would qualify as living streets, given
> that a living street would most closely describe a bicycle boulevard in
> OSM terms, though a bicycle boulevard might lack pedestrian facilities.
>  Frequently, these are not streets you would want to let the kids play
> in, as the volume of fast-moving, near-silent vehicles would present a
> very real collision hazard at peak traffic times.  This kind of way has
> sprung up only in the last 10 years or so, and almost all of them were
> formerly highway=residential prior to becoming bicycle boulevards.
> Bicycle boulevards are more major than residential streets
> (intersections with residential streets have the residential streets
> facing stop signs, to minimize the need for bicycles to stop),
> intersections with larger (tertiary or better) ways typically have
> restrictions preventing motorists from doing anything but making a right
> turn from the bicycle boulevard and/or motorists from the major way from
> turning onto the bicycle boulevard, and as often as not have traffic
> signals (with more heavily traveled bicycle boulevards changing in favor
> of the cyclists in advance, particularly in Portland's Little Bohemia).
>  At large roundabouts, the bicycle boulevard typically has a cutout
> through the central island, with YIELD TO BICYCLES signs on the central
> ring of the roundabout (through bicycles typically do not have to stop
> or yield, and have the right-of-way over vehicles already in the
> roundabout).  The restrictions on motorists make bicycle boulevards
> unsuitable for rat runs.
> Typically, cycle maps I've seen that are aware of these ways show them
> at a much higher priority than they would on your average street map,
> with the larger way de-prioritized, in some cases quite severely,
> depending on traffic flow and bicycle facilities (such as US 30 Bypass
> in Oregon, a primary, typically being shown as a minor through street
> like most of the streets intersecting it on cycle maps, with the bicycle
> boulevard a few blocks off shown as the primary way across Northeast
> Portland).
> I am aware of bicycle boulevards existing in at least three states and
> one province, and I'm sure there's more out there, so I'm a little
> surprised this hasn't been tackled.
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> copies (plus this defeats unsubscribing if someone later wants to leave
> the conversation).  Please use your mailer's reply-to-list feature or
> check your To: and CC: headers!)
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