I tried to download full history of a way

The call to http://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/way/34068057/full
will fetch the current way with all its nodes (so I can open it in
JOSM for example and look at it)

The call to http://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/way/34068057/history
shows history of the way, but does not provide any nodes.

So currently, if I want to know "how was the way drawn in time T", I
had to get history of the way, then find out which nodes were used by
the way in time T, then get history from each of the nodes and pick
appropriate node from the history, given the time. Then combine this
into output XML which I can view

Is there some automated tool that will do that?

Perhaps this could be improved in 0.7, by having some
"[way|relation]/#id/history-full" call, which will return history of
referenced way (or relation), including history of all node (ways)
that was referenced at least in one of the historic or current
versions. Sort of combination of /history and /full

While you will still need some tool to extract the information you
want, you'll need only one request to the server instead of one
request per each node in the way you want to examine.


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